Full Stack Recipe App
In this full stack application, the front-end UI is built using JavaScript React while the back-end, including the API, is built using Python Flask. Users are able to create, read, update, and delete recipes as well as search through existing recipes using terms in any of the titles, ingredients, or descriptions.
Skills: Python, Flask, JavaScript, React
Tools: VS Code, API, GitHub
GitHub RepoAnimal Conservation Web Scraper
This project is written with Python and uses NumPy, Pandas, and Beautiful Soup Libraries. It uses a web scraper to collect information from websites, prepares that information in a directly usable format and displays the result in a visually appealing manner for presentation or analysis.
Skills: Python, Web Scraping, Data Collection, Analysis & Interpretation, Data Preparation & Visualization, Statistical Analysis
Tools: NumPy and Pandas Libraries, Beautiful Soup Library
GitHub RepoSticky Notes App
This app, written with JavaScript React and using JSX, ES6 within CodeSandbox allows a user to create, remove, update and delete sticky notes stored within the local storage of their browser so that notes can be maintained between use or visits.
Skills: JavaScript React, ES6, JSX, Manipulating the DOM
Tools: CodeSandbox, Netlify
LIVE PAGE"Unplugged" Company Sample Website
This is a multi-page sample company website that includes data collection abilities and use of iframes in a responsive format to display optimally on any size of device or viewing screen. It is written using HTML5 and CSS3 and utilizing Flexbox capabilities.
Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox
Tools: Media Queries, Responsive Typography, GitHub
LIVE PAGEGitHub Gallery
This gallery was created to showcase the variety of projects completed and to capitalize on the use of GitHub as a platform to store, share and distribute project data. It was created using JavaScript and GitHub and demonstrates use of APIs and DOM manipulation.
Skills: JavaScript, GitHub, APIs, Manipulating the DOM
Tools: GitHub
Developer Skills
Responsive Web Development
Tech Stack
VS Code
Chrome Devtools
Code Sandbox